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Idaho Workers’ Compensation Lawyers

If you or a loved one have had issues with getting worker’s compensation, we can help. Litster Frost Injury Lawyers serves individuals in Boise, Idaho and the surrounding areas, assisting individuals with getting the compensation and medical attention to which they are entitled after a workplace accident. Call us today at (208) 333-3330 for a free consultation.

Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim in the State of Idaho

Employers in the state of Idaho are required to carry work comp for their employees. This insurance is to be paid out to employees who have been injured while performing their work duties regardless of who may be at fault for the accident. The injured employee should immediately report the incident to his or her employer. This step will help to verify the accident later because a written record of injury will be made. It is also important that the employee seek medical attention as soon as possible. This lays the groundwork for the claim. Next, the employer must fill out an accident report. The employer is  required to complete the First Report of Injury or Illness form required by the Idaho Industrial Commission and send it to their insurance company.

The insurance company will speak to the attending physician to determine whether they will honor the claim and how to value it. This can be time-consuming and difficult, especially since the adjuster may not understand the extent of the injuries, or the seriousness of the situation.

After filing your accident report, immediately acquiring legal counsel is key. Call Litster Frost Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation!

What if My Claim is Denied?

Denial of workers compensation claims is not an uncommon occurrence. When this happens, your counsel can question the insurance agency to find out where the errors were. Armed with this information, we begin building your case. During this process, we will act as the intermediary to ensure no loopholes are present that could result in denial of benefits.

There are two types of benefits afforded by workers compensation:

Temporary Temporary disability is when a professional deems that the employee is injured, but has the potential to fully heal return to work.

Permanent –  Someone with a permanent disability will be diagnosed by a medical professional who advises that the employee can no longer work in their previous capacity due to the accident. It is a doctor’s opinion that there is no chance of complete rehabilitation.

If someone is deemed to have a permanent disability, further medical evaluation must be conducted. This is where having your own counsel will be beneficial. You never want to fully trust medical professionals who were recommended to you by the insurance company of your employer.

Claim denials introduce a lot of paperwork. Gathering witnesses, speaking with medical professionals, and finding a way to absorb any additional expenses all fall on your attorney. Securing all documentation to prove your innocence is the first priority. Once all the documentation has been gathered, we will appeal your claim, which will then go into review.

After the Claims Process

Once the claim is under review again, we work to come to an agreement with the insurance company. Again, they are not in business to represent you – they represent the best interests of your employer. We start negotiations, making sure all variables are included, such as pain, suffering, loss of income, loss of work, and other elements that paint the complete picture of how much devastation your injury has caused.

Most people do not realize that having adequate legal representation is the only way to assure a complete and thorough settlement that is fair and unbiased. We fight to get you interim payments to offset your income during this time.

Each day, workers compensation claims are filed and denied. Don’t put you or your family at risk by being negligent. Time is of the essence when filing a claim. The longer you wait, the greater your chances of being denied, especially if you  are seeking medical attention. Most claim windows expire 60 days after the injury. If you do not file your claim within that time period, you will forego your chances.

Why do Insurance Companies Deny Claims?

Even if your claim is legitimate, an insurance company can deny your claim for many reasons, including mistakes for which they are responsible. From the misspelling of a name, to something more technical, workers compensation claims can be tied up for a very long time. Make sure you are putting yourself in the right position to get your claim approved. Making small mistakes can hold your claim up for months, and fighting with an employer who is trying to deny you benefits can take even longer. Knowing and understanding your rights in Idaho can make a difference.

How We Can Help

Lister Frost has been in business for decades, serving Boise and the surrounding areas. We put the needs of our clients first. Every question pertaining to worker’s compensation is a valid one and we will help you to understand the entire process. Act quickly to protect your family from financial hardship. Our team negotiates interim payments so that you can get your bills paid while your case is ongoing.

For more information on how the team at Litster Frost Injury Lawyers can help you, give us a call today! (202) 333-3330