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Boise Employment Lawyers – Litster Frost

In the city of Boise, both employers and employees have rights that are protected by law and designed to ensure fair and employment. If you think your rights employee or employer rights have been violated, it’s important to discuss your case with an Idaho employment attorney.

Employment law encompasses the employee/employer relationship. It also deals with all of the federal and state laws that have to do with employment, except for the negotiation process which is covered by labor laws.  Some areas of employment law include unemployment compensation, discrimination in the workplace, minimum wage, and more.

When dealing with employment issues in Boise or anywhere in Idaho for that matter, it’s important to work with a local attorney. Since employment law is governed at both the Federal and State levels, an Idaho employment attorney will be familiar with both the federal law and the local Idaho state laws and will know how those laws apply in your case.

What Does Employment Law Infraction Look Like?

Employment law infraction can look like a variety of things.


    • Discrimination – You may experience discrimination by your employer or by a potential empoyer during an interview. This can include cultural, racial, or religious discrimination,  and discrimination based on age, gender, family status, sexuality, and more.
    • Being required to work without pay or overtime – If you worked hours for which you were not paid, or if you worked overtime and are paid at a regular rate, then you may have a case. This doesn’t apply if you are considered an exempt employee, however, as a rule of thumb, if you have been paid for overtime in the past and were not told that you had become an exempt employee before being told that you would not get paid overtime, then you may have a case.
    • Not receiving the minimum wage – Some states set their minimum wage at a rate lower than federally mandated minimum wage. In this case, federal law overrides state law. In 2018, the current minimum wage for the state of Idaho is $7.25 the same as the federal minimum.


What to Do if You Think That Your Employee Rights Have Been Violated

As an employee, you always need to make sure that you are being treated correctly by your employer according to the law. Employment law can be complicated and there are a lot of different components that can play into a violation. Because of this, it may be difficult to determine on your own if you have a case. You should always reach out for the best legal advice for your situation to best determine if you have been wronged by your employer. You should take notes on the situation so that you have all of the facts when you speak to an attorney regarding the issue. They will be able to tell you if you have a case or if you will need to provide more information to determine what is going on.

What Should Employers Do

If you are an employer, the last thing you want is to find yourself involved in an employment law case. If you employ others in Boise, it’s imperative to learn what the law requires of you in that position. However, simply knowing the law may not always be enough. To avoid accidentally become guilty of violating employee rights, consider hiring someone to manage your human resources. Despite your best efforts however, it is likely that from time to time a situation will arise that you will need advice about. Our legal team in Boise will be happy to talk to you about any concerns you may have regarding employment law.

How to Find the Right Attorney

When choosing an employment attorney, you will want to make sure that you find one who has a proven track record when it comes to employment law and you should also find someone that works with both employees and employers to ensure a well rounded experience with common employment issues. Litster Frost employment attorneys have been representing victims of employee rights violations in Boise and throughout Idaho for decades. If you feel your employee rights have been violated, or if you would like some legal advice as an employer as to how to safely and respectfully manage your team, give us a call today. – (208) 333-3330