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Can I handle my case without an attorney?

Accident victims often presume that they will save money by handling their case on their own. However, the insurance industry’s own studies have demonstrated that accident victims who use a personal injury attorney receive, on average, three and a half times more money in their pocket after all expenses are paid, than those who try to handle it on their own.

There are many reasons for this. For example, accident victims aren’t experienced in this field and they don’t actually know the amount of money that an insurance company should pay, how much they are willing to pay on similar cases. Additionally, victims are unaware of important legal deadlines, of the process of preserving evidence, getting the right reports, and working with professional medical facilities. This is a short list of the various reasons why it is best for you as a victim to work with the professional staff at Litster Frost. And remember, you are protected by our 3 guarantees, so you can have complete confidence that you will put more money in your pocket by working with us than you would be able to get on your own. Call us now at (208) 333-3330 and determine how much your case is worth.