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Idaho Truck Accident Lawyers

After a big rig accident, you may be eligible to receive compensation for your injuries. While no amount of money can heal the pain that you are facing, financial assistance can alleviate some of the financial burden caused by missed work and medical expenses. You don’t have to fight for justice alone–the attorneys at Litster Frost are dedicated to working on your behalf to earn the compensation you deserve. We’ll take the burden of a personal injury lawsuit off your shoulders so that you can focus on what’s truly important–healing.

Idaho has a number of interstates and highways crisscrossing its territory and when traveling these roads, accidents with trucks are always a risk. Truck accidents are especially damaging due to the weight and construction of these vehicles.

No matter what the circumstances of your individual case, it’s important you speak to an attorney to deal with your personal injury or property damage. That way, you’ll have the best chance of protecting yourself and your family from the ongoing repercussions of the accident.

Trucks: A Clear and Present Danger

Idaho’s highways such as I-84, I-90, and I-15 see a great deal of commercial trucking traffic. According to the Idaho Transportation Department, truck accident numbers are only increasing. If you are a victim of a truck accident, it’s important to know what to do in the days and weeks following your crash.

Complications of Truck Accidents

Truck accidents differ from regular automobile accidents in a number of ways. Firstly, the sheer size of trucks plays a large role in the severity of truck accidents, as trucks weigh much more than the average vehicle–trucks are often towing cargo loads which can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. When this weight collides with another vehicle, even at low speeds, it’s easy to see how much damage can be caused.

Truck accidents also differ in that, unlike personal automobiles, tractor trailers and commercial trucks are heavily regulated by both the State of Idaho and the federal government. This can complicate a personal injury suit, since more laws are involved.

Unlike most car accidents, there can also be multiple parties who are liable in a truck accident. In a collision between two cars, there is often only one at-fault driver. In a commercial truck accident, however, there can be many parties who share liability, including the driver, the trucking company, and manufacturers of the truck. Property owners or even the state–who is responsible for maintaining roads–may even be called into question for responsibility for your accident. Because Idaho follows the comparative negligence rule, which states that all parties’ actions shall be taken into account and weighed against one another, it’s important to seek the help of an experienced attorney, as you may be eligible for compensation even if you were partially responsible for your accident.

Factors Influencing a Truck Accident Case

Lawsuits stemming from truck accidents are very complicated due to the number of factors which influence the case. Your case can be impacted by:

  • Truckers working long hours
  • Drivers who are operating trucks while fatigued
  • Unfamiliar roads which truckers have to traverse;
  • Difficult delivery schedules
  • Pressure from companies and clients to make or exceed delivery deadlines
  • Heavy or improperly loaded cargo
  • Poor weather conditions
  • Hazardous road conditions

These factors can weigh heavily on a judge or jury’s decision, and therefore impact the outcome of your case.

Gathering Evidence

Due to the myriad of factors involved in the accident, the numerous regulations regarding commercial truck travel, and the possibility of multiple at-fault parties, cases involving truck accidents can quickly get complicated. It is important to involve an attorney early on, as there is a lot of information to comb through in order to have a chance at a successful outcome. One of the most important steps is to gather evidence related to your crash. This evidence can include:

  • Truck inspections
  • Driver qualifications
  • Eyewitness reports
  • Drug and alcohol tests
  • Maintenance records
  • Truck inspections
  • Logbooks

If you are suffering from injuries from a truck accident, you shouldn’t be trying to obtain such evidence and trying to deal with the insurance companies by yourself. Let an attorney take the weight off of your shoulders and handle your case.

How Can Litster Frost Help?

If you are suffering from a truck accident, you don’t have to try and fight your lawsuit alone. You deserve compensation for the injuries you sustained and the pain you are dealing with, and we’re here to help you get it. To speak to an attorney about your case–and begin to move on with your life–call (208) 333-3330 or contact us through our website today.