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Idaho Dog Bite Lawyers


If you are a victim of a dog who bites, there are some things you should know. First, that nice little dog next door may not have ever taken a hunk of flesh out anyone before now, but when you walked down the street in front of his house, he felt threatened. That was not your fault, but he did not know that you had the right to walk on a public sidewalk. As you limp home, you may be wondering if you will ever walk normal again. After you tend to your leg, which should include an updated Tetanus shot, the owner needs to know that you were attacked. He or she is liable for damage to your property or bodily harm.

The Laws Regarding Dogs

The law requires that the dog has a current city license, is up-to-date on vaccinations, and is on a leash or inside a fence.


Some dogs do not waste time on legs; they go straight for throats or faces. While this is the nature of territorial animals, this can cause serious and long-lasting consequences for those who are bitten.

Who Pays for Medical Bills?

The dog owner should have homeowner or renter insurance that will cover your injury if you need to see a medical professional. If the dog belongs to Aunt Betty, you may to need to kindly mention that you do not intend to sue her, but having a lawyer is helpful to avoid the headaches involved with resistant claims managers. Some dog owners would rather pay out of pocket than file a claim. Your attorney can help you make sure this is the best course of action. He or she can also ensure you get as much as possible without the insurance company keeping as much as they can and leaving you with little or no compensation for your pain and suffering.

Work Loss

Your attorney will get official copies of documents to prove lost income. These documents are important evidence on related points such as causation, work reviews, and fringe benefits. Future earning capability is also a serious consideration. Proving earning capacity loss is a specialized topic among attorneys, and completely beyond the comprehension of common accident victims. An experienced attorney can help you receive this, often the largest portion of a settlement.

More Reasons to Hire an Attorney for Dog Bites

Retaining a lawyer as soon as possible after an incident enables them to investigate and get a clearer picture of what happened. Insurance companies know that attorneys are experienced at compiling all necessary data for a lawsuit and will often make reasonable settlement offers when they know you have a professional on your side.

Also, attorneys will often use their own money for private investigations, gathering medical evidence and billings, photographers, and summarizing medical evidence. In addition, they know how to deal effectively with third parties claims against the settlement, including medical bills, and other expenses you have accrued with the incident.

A dog bite can lead to serious injuries from skin tearing, muscle damage, and infection. A dog owner may not recognize the severity of the situation because they may find it hard to believe that their beloved pet could behave in a vicious way. However, a dog owner is responsible for controlling their dog at all times and providing compensation for any harm the dog may cause including dog bites.

If you need help seeking compensation, turn to Litster Frost Injury Lawyers. Our experienced dog bite attorneys are here to answer any questions you have, guide you through the legal process, and help you get the compensation you deserve by law. To find out what your case is worth, contact our firm now.

Leash Laws

Idaho law requires dogs to be under the control of their owners at all times. This is generally interpreted to mean that they are either indoors, in a fenced yard, or on a leash. Enforcement may be lax in less populated areas of the state, but populated areas such as Boise are more strict about requiring dogs to be on leash. In addition, the parks in Boise and surrounding Ada County require dogs to be on leashes except in designated areas.

What Duties Does A Dog Owner Have To Prevent Bites?

Dog owners must take reasonable steps to prevent their dog from biting someone. This includes the following;

  • Obeying leash laws
  • Making sure their dog cannot escape their property
  • Controlling their dog around guests invited to their home
  • Removing their dog from a situation where it has become agitated
  • Providing proper training
  • Seeking professional help if their dog has acted aggressively in the past

If the dog owner hasn’t taken reasonable steps like these, they are liable for its actions.

How To Recover For Injuries Suffered From A Dog Bite

If you’ve been injured by a dog bite, the usual course of action is to seek compensation directly from its owner. This could include a lawsuit if they don’t agree to pay your medical bills and other expenses or if they disagree with the amount.

Often, the dog owner’s homeowner’s insurance policy will cover dog bites as part of the liability portion. Renters are also likely to have liability coverage from their renter’s insurance policy that many Boise landlords are now requiring. Of course, these insurance companies may not pay without a fight because paying a claim reduces their profits.

You may also find that the dog owner claims you provoked the dog by startling it or entering its space. These are sometimes valid defenses, but when a dog is too easily frightened or gets territorial around people who have permission to be on the property, the owner bears responsibility for not taking preventive action.

Get Help From An Experienced Dog Bite Lawyer

If you’ve suffered a dog bite that required medical attention, call our dog bite attorneys. Even if you aren’t sure you’ll need to make a claim, our attorneys can help you document your injuries so that you have the proof you need to give to the insurance company or to use in court.If you are ready to make a claim, we can help you with the required paperwork, make sure you meet the deadlines, and rebut the dog owner’s defenses.

There is no charge or obligation for an initial consultation. Simply gives us a call or fill in our online contact form.