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Idaho Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers

Nursing home abuse is more widespread than most people realize, and the results are gruesome and all around unbelievable. If you suspect a caregiver of any neglect or abuse, do something about it right away.

Our parents made sure we were safe and well cared for when we were young, now we owe it to them to make sure they are safe and well cared for in their old age. When older family members are no longer able to take care of themselves, we want to see to it that they are safe and happy and are being well cared for. If it turns out they are being abused, neglected, or mistreated in anyway, it is time to get help from another source to make sure the abusers get their retribution and that you and your loved one get compensation. Call us NOW for a FREE consultation at (855) 378-2155 or submit your inquiry online. We are available 24/7 to answer your questions.

Nursing home abuse lawsuits are getting bigger and bigger. If your family has been affected by elder abuse or neglect, now is the time to seek justice. Settlements have been for hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars. We have a team of professionals that can fight to get you as much as possible in order to prevent this type of mistreatment in the future.

There are a number of signs that may indicate that your loved one is being neglected or abused. You should be on the lookout for:

  • Bedsores
  • Suspicious bruises
  • Multiple falling injuries
  • Medication errors
  • Dehydration or Malnutrition
  • Unsanitary conditions

If you suspect the caregivers of your aged family member of abuse or neglect, be sure to document times, dates, and hospital visits and get the proper authorities involved. This will help your case and help you get the results you deserve. According to a Federal Government’s Special Investigations Division of the House Government Reform Committee, 30 percent of nursing homes in the United States have been reported for cases of abuse and neglect. These cases are becoming more common as there is more emphasis on the nursing homes making more and more of a profit than on taking care of their patients. When money is more important than people, it is time to hit them where it hurts. Our lawyers are willing to put in the time and care to help you and your loved ones get the compensation you deserve.

Call us NOW for a FREE consultation at (855) 378-2155