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Nampa Motorcycle Accident


Motorcycle accidents can be extremely serious, causing horrific injuries or even death. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, then you know just how devastating these injuries can be, and how much pain these injuries can cause. Rehabilitation can be grueling, and medical bills can become overwhelming.

If you were hurt in a motorcycle accident in or around Nampa, you may be able to bring a claim against liable parties even if you were the only one involved in the accident. For a free case evaluation call the Nampa motorcycle accident attorneys at Litster Frost Injury Lawyers by dialing (208) 333-3330.

Motorcycle Accident Injuries For Which You Might Receive Compensation

Injuries resulting from a motorcycle accident are innumerable. Common injuries which can occur, however, include:

  • Broken bones
  • Head and neck injuries
  • Burns
  • Permanent disfigurement
  • Road rash
  • Facial fractures

Motorcycle crashes can be more serious than similar car accidents, and can result in amputations, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and permanent paralysis. Even if you are able to walk away from your accident, some injuries can be slow to manifest, you may have sustained internal injuries which don’t show up until days or even weeks after your accident.

Getting the Right Representation

Ensuring that you have the right representation after a motorcycle accident can make a world of difference in how your case is handled. The process of filing a personal injury claim for a motorcycle accident is similar to that of a car accident. When any accident occurs, there are steps which should be taken right away, including:

  • Taking pictures of the entire accident scene
  • Getting information from the other party in your accident if there was one
  • Calling the police and filing a report
  • Seeking immediate medical attention

These four steps are the most crucial following a motorcycle accident. Once a report has been filed, however, calling an attorney to handle your case is key.

Once you make a claim, you may receive a call from the insurance company. If you have an attorney’s representation, however, then you do not have to engage in discussions with any insurance company; your attorney will handle everything on your behalf. Referring the insurance company to your lawyer will allow you to avoid being put in an awkward position and keep you from accepting a settlement that is not in your best interests. An insurance company’s main goal is to settle your case for as little as possible, so your personal injury attorney is critical to earn you the compensation you deserve.

Liability must be established by showing negligence or recklessness on the part of another party, insurance policies must be examined, any and all defendants must be questioned, and all documentation should be gathered. If you need medical care, your attorney will also arrange for you to continue with your treatment. All of these elements work together to build a strong, solid case for you.

Every accident has the potential to create emotional turmoil, but motorcycle accidents can be even more serious. Your settlement compensation should, at the very least, assist you with medical expenses, therapy for emotional distress, and compensation for your pain and suffering.

What if No One Else was Involved in My Accident?

When operating a motorcycle, there are instances where you may be involved in a single-vehicle accident. In these cases, you may still be able to bring a claim to handle your injuries and repair expenses. Sometimes a single vehicle accident can be caused by another driver not seeing you while you attempt to maneuver out of their way, or badly maintained roads may have led to conditions unsafe enough so as to cause your accident. Your attorney will be able to determine whether you have a claim for your single-vehicle accident.

How Long Will it Take for My Case to Settle?

Your case will have its own timeline based on a number of factors, including how serious the accident was, the injuries which were sustained, and whether or not the insurance company is willing to compensate based on your injuries and damages. Litster Frost Injury Attorneys specialize in personal injury, working to guarantee protection of your rights and a fair and equitable settlement based on the elements of your case.

Injured in Nampa? Contact Litster Frost Today

Having the help of an experienced legal team who understands the nuances of motorcycle claims and litigation can make all the difference in your case. While we can’t imagine the pain you are experiencing following your accident, we are dedicated to providing the best representation possible to protect your interests. An accident can cause you to miss work, need rehabilitation and suffer pain that can last a lifetime. Depending on the extent of your injuries, the cost of your medical care can be astronomical.

If you or someone you care about has been involved in a motorcycle accident, it is important to seek legal representation immediately. Our team of personal injury attorneys has served Nampa, Idaho and the surrounding areas in countless claims. In the event of a motorcycle accident, you do not have to feel like you are alone. Motorcycle accidents can leave clients in the hospital for months at a time, and lead to injuries that can last a lifetime; we are here to make sure that your expenses are covered and you are not given the runaround from an insurance company. Call a team that you can trust and rely on to represent your interests. For more information, fill out an online case evaluation form or call (208) 333-3330 today.